Venus Cloud Ltd

Specialists in cloud architecture & internet security

Venus Cloud Company Logo

Our experience leads your SaaS business to success

We have specialised in internet security and scalable cloud architecture since 2011. We have built many secure SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions and applications for Web, iPhone, iPad and Mac. We advise on AWS architecture, cloud security, SOC 2 compliance and firewalls. Our base is in London, United Kingdom.


We utilise Python, Bash, Swift and Kotlin programming languages to build and automate secure systems.


Tegant™ is a trademark of Venus Cloud Ltd.

Apple, iPhone, iPad, iMac, Mac, and MacBook are trademarks of Apple. Apple has authorised us to use their trademarks within the text of Google sponsored links.

We would like to thank ‘Andrea Piacquadio’ and ‘cottonbro’ for their excellent photos that we utilised in our App Store campaigns.


Please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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